Buy MS Visual Studio Enterprise 2015

Подписка Visual Studio Professional. NET Framework, they are now available as this separate download. Чтобы получить подробные сведения о функциях и преимуществах всех планов, перейдите к сравнению всех вариантов цен. The Buu Studio MS Office 2010 Home and Student discount Buy MS Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 available in the same fourteen languages and will match the language of Windows, if available. Back Close. Access core Microsoft software. Thank you. Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events and more from Microsoft Store. To withdraw consent or manage your contact preferences, visit the Promotional Communications Manager Privacy Statement. Available to United States residents. Подписка Visual Studio Enterprise. Visual Studio Professional Rated 4 out of 5 stars. All of your testing needs covered. Break the silos and deliver value continuously. Download the fully featured Visual Studio Enterprise day trial edition for Windows.Buy MS Visual Studio Enterprise 2015